Sexual Health Specialist


Hakeem Basit Khan Is A Famous Sexolgost in Saharanpur. Serving Saharanpur Since Last 10+ Years With 10000+ Positive Feedbacks


We Have Top Level Of Sexologist Doctors in saharanpur

Consult Now or Book An Appointment With Our Top Sexologist Doctors in Saharanpur


Rediscover Love & Healthy Relationship With Our Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctors in Saharanpur


Your Trusted Team of Professionals, Crafting Personalized Solution for Healthy Connections

Pan-India COD

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About Us

Experience Matters!

Rest easy knowing you’re in capable hands with 25+ years of dedicated practice in sexology, devoted to supporting your journey to a healthier and more fulfilling intimate life.

In Saharanpur, Hakeem Basit Khan’s Sexology clinic is on a mission to sprinkle joy into relationships. We offers  friendly, tailored solutions that make your intimate journey as smooth as a Saharanpur breeze. We’re all about making your relationships healthier and happier.

Our Vision is to guide and support you with expert advice, understanding, and personalized solutions, so you can enjoy a more fulfilling and satisfying life in all aspects of your relationships.

Hakeem Basit Khan’s Sexology Clinic stands tall on a foundation of respect, making sure your journey to well-being is not just effective but also a comfortable and uniquely tailored experience.

Don't Hasitate To Contact Us

years of experiences

Hakeem Basit Khan

Ayurvedic Sexologist


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Take The Road To A Healthy Relationship

Hakeem Basit Khan provides online consultations for individuals who are unable to visit his clinic in person.

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Premature Ejaculation

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation in Saharanpur

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Erectile Dysfunction

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in Saharanpur

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Low Sperm Count

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Sperm Count in Sharanpur

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Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Nightfall in Saharanpur

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Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for De-Addictioin in Saharanpur

Not Find A Solution – Feel free to call us at: 09897371502

Meet Our

Experienced Sexologist doctors

Hakeem Amir Khan


Hakeem Basit Khan


Make An Appointment


What Patient Says about hakeem basit khan

“Hakeem Basit Khan is a lifesaver! He knows exactly how to help with sexual health and addiction problems. Thanks to him, I feel like I’ve got my life back on track.”

Amit Kumar


“Hakeem Basit Khan is the best sexologist in saharanpur city! He’s super understanding and really knows his stuff when it comes to sexual health.”

Rohan Tyagi


“Highly recommend! Hakeem Basit Khan! He’s not just a doctor; he’s a friend who genuinely cares. His treatment for sexual health has made a huge difference in my life.”

Akram Khan


“Great knowledge about De-addiction are like no other. He helped me get through tough times in my addiction recovery phase, and I’m so grateful for his support.”



What We Offer

Our Special Treatment Packages

Boost Your Health With Our Special Treatment Packages. Tailored Solutions for A Brighter & Healthier Tomorrow.

Sexual Health Packages

Get 100% Safe, Effective & Ayurvedic Packages for Your Sexual Health. All India COD Available.

De-Addiction Packages

Get 100% Safe, Effective & Ayurvedic Packages for De-Addiction (Addiction Revovery). All India COD Available.


What does a sexologist do?

A sexologist specializes in the study and treatment of sexual health and relationships. They provide guidance, counseling, and therapy for various sexual issues and concerns.

What kind of services does Hakeem Basit Khan offer?

Hakeem Basit Khan offers a range of services related to sexual health, including consultations for sexual dysfunctions, counseling for relationship issues, therapy for sexual trauma, and guidance for sexual education and awareness.

Is my privacy ensured during consultations with Hakeem Basit Khan?

Yes, Hakeem Basit Khan adheres to strict confidentiality and privacy standards. Your personal information and discussions during consultations are kept confidential to ensure your privacy and comfort.